Now that you have learned about the different products we offer, how we make them, and what preparations are required, it is important to learn about food quality and consistency. As you [...]
Here at Terra Superfoods, we offer many different products including: Drinks Smoothie Bowls (4) Bowls, Wraps, and Salads (6) Toasts It is important to familiarize, study each recipe product [...]
The food handler’s training ensures that everyone working in the food and beverage industry is properly educated and trained with California standards related to food/beverage handling. [...]
Click to Watch Here at Terra Superfoods, we have many products (recipes) that require food prepping. Food preparation is the process of preparing food products, so they are available to easily [...]
Cleaning is a topic not very exciting but very important. There are many areas within our restaurant that fall under the cleaning category and require attention. It is also important to note [...]
Customer service is a very important piece to every business. This is because it directly links to increased revenues through customer loyalty, value added to your brand, and your products [...]
Terra Superfoods is an organic superfood eatery. Terra Superfoods provides organic plant-based, vegetarian/vegan, and gluten-free foods that are primarily locally sourced. Vision: Add a [...]
Welcome to Terra Superfoods! Congratulations on being one of the newest team members here at Terra Superfoods. We are excited to have you join our team. Consistent training is key to your [...]